Better than "Naked" selling
Learn to trade simple proven low-risk option strategies
Option Spread Trading
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I consider option selling the second best option strategy available, second only to option spreads.  It’s not for most though.  There’s too many stumbling blocks for most to do it right, including me.

I have on three occasions made a lot of money selling options only to give most, or all of it, back from where it came.  And option selling is stressful too!

That may seem strange if you’ve never done it before but it’s true.  The constant fear of a catastrophic over night event occurring never left my mind while short options, especially in the S&P 500 or grains during the summer months.

And that fear was warranted based on my experience.  I started too many days with nothing but red on the screen as my positions got clobbered by either good or bad reports that sent markets reeling.

Over time I learned a new way to trade options that requires less risk yet has the potential for higher returns than option selling.  By spreading options against one another I can define at what point I want to accept risk and at what points I want to make profits.

I’m still amazed at the favorable risk/reward trades that are available only to option traders.  Over the last several months I’ve been showing others how I put these trades together and then manage them to completion.  You can learn more about the program by visiting this link.

Thanks for watching the video series.  I wish you the best of luck with your trading goals.

Shay Campbell